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Tips to enjoying the Tucson Gem, Mineral, and Fossil Show

Tucson, Arizona has been playing host to a major gem, mineral, and fossil show since the 1950’s. Over the years this gem show has gained a lot of international acclaim and accolade. Visitors and vendors gather in Tucson from all around the world with one common thread of sharing an interest in beautiful and unique creations. The event typically starts the last week of January and continues to around Valentine’s Day and there are multiple shows that take place all throughout the city of Tucson.

The Tucson Convention Center plays home to the largest of the shows but where a lot of the fun occurs during this annual event is in the shows that take place in smaller venues. Hotels and motels along Interstate-10 become makeshift stores where vendors are able to showcase their treasures.

One of the most unique experiences when going to the shows that take place along the interstate is visiting with these vendors from all around the world. The hotel rooms that the vendors stay while they are in town conducting business are sometimes also their storefront during the day.

There are also incredible fossils that one can view in addition to gems and minerals. One of the areas that is known to have designation to the fossils is on the west side of I-10, and is a show called the “Arizona Mineral & Fossil Show” also known as “Fossil & Mineral Alley” - this takes place at the Ramada Inn (665 N. Freeway Ave). One can see dinosaur fossils, prettified wood, pretty much any type of fossil one could imagine.

If you are in the market for precious gems, the gem and mineral show could be a great place to shop - as well as the option of looking for gem beads, and for rocks/minerals in a more raw form, in addition to unique creations that are on display.

There is something for everyone at the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show - the key to enjoying the event is picking a day day where you can take your time in visiting with the vendors and patiently viewing the beautiful selections they are presenting. This truly is a multicultural event and an opportunity to learn from and interact with various people from around the world.


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